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Rectum is the part of large intestine which connects the colon to the anus. Cancer arising from its lining and other tissues is called Rectal cancer. Most common type of rectal cancers in adenocarcinoma, but there are other types also like sacromas , neuroendocrine tumors etc. The common symptoms of rectal cancer are bleeding […]
What Is Oral Cancer? Oral cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in your mouth. This includes anterior part of the tongue, palate, lips and their inner lining, cheeks and gums. What Are the Types of Oral Cancer? The most common type of oral cancer is called squamous cell carcinoma accounting for more than 90 […]
Gallbladder cancer happens when the cells of the inner layer of the gallbladder becomes malignant and grows rapidly. It often doesn’t cause signs or symptoms in the early stages. Instead, it is often diagnosed by accident during gallbladder surgery for stones or present in advanced stages. The cure rate for gallbladder cancer is excellent if it’s in […]
Endometrial cancer is cancer of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. It is the most common type of cancer that affects the female reproductive organs. It develops when the cells of the endometrium start to grow too rapidly. The lining of the uterus may get thicker in places and form a mass of tissue called a tumor and […]
There are more than 100 types of brain tumors. All brain cancers are brain tumors but not all brain tumors are brain cancers. They may be benign (or noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).However unlike most other parts of the body evens the no cancerous brain tumors can be sometimes dangerous and need treatment because of their […]
Liver cancer originating from liver cells can be primary liver cancer which begins in the liver or secondary liver cancer that started in another part of the body but has spread to the liver. Primary liver cancers are uncommon and but the numbers are increasing over years. There are different types: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or Hepatoma, […]
Cancer is the most dreaded illness. It is often considered the end of life and a death sentence. The internet is rife with misconceptions and misinformation about cancer , it’s causes and treatment. These myths are often passed around though family and well wishers causing extra stress for the patient. Let’s debunk some of the […]